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No Mountain Today …

Today I haven’t seen Mount Warning at all, not even for a second. There is no rain about, so I can’t blame the whiteness on distant rain. The day has been warm, dull, and humid, so perhaps it is heat-haze. It has also been extremely windy all day, so my granddaughter and I couldn’t even enjoy some time in the garden today while she was visiting. So indoors we remained, playing with farm animals, reading books, and watching some cartoons on TV. It is easy to keep Aurora occupied, both indoors and outside, and she is wonderful company. I must admit to being a tad tired tonight though after a whole day with my lovely little visitor.

Considering the lack of an interesting mountain photo today, it is a good opportunity to share a couple of photos taken during the past week. First I have a photo of a cute little Honeyeater who visited my back garden recently. If it wasn’t for the rustling of the palm leaves, I wouldn’t have known he was there.

The gum tree the trio of Kookaburras are perched in is right down the back of our garden. I realised these three were there when they had a laughing competition with another group of distant kookaburras. I’d love to know what they were saying to each other.

The last photo is from May. I came across this photo when looking for flower photos for The Week of Flowers posts, so saved it as an extra to share this week. It is a beautiful bunch of flowers my daughter – Aurora’s mummy – gave me for my birthday.

So here we are, the 30th of November, the last day of spring. It is with a touch of trepidation that I will turn the page of my calendar tomorrow morning to the first day of summer. Every year, I try to find positive aspects of my least favoured season of the year, and by the end of summer I always look back and think the heat wasn’t as difficult to cope with as I imagined it would be. It’s a bit like a visit to the dentist really, an unpleasant thought until it’s over. Once again, I have my fingers crossed that we will have rain without floods and heat without melting! I learned many years ago that when living in a subtropical climate, it’s useless wishing for no extreme heat and no cyclonic rain. Mother Nature will do as she does regardless. 🙂


15 thoughts on “No Mountain Today …

  1. With the start of your summer comes the start of our winter, as we spin around the sun on this little blue planet. I do the same as you about summer, looking for the positive aspects, like eating outside, having different birds singing and flowers blooming, sea breezes. The weather is what it is!

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    1. That’s right, Barbara. As the Serenity Prayer reminds us, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change” … which can be quite the challenge when we are sweltering in the heat! But there are positive aspects to warm weather too. I must remember to write about those in my summer posts. 🙂

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  2. I think your trepidation concerning summer is similar to mine concerning winter! Will we have a big freeze? Will I lose plants to frost or permafrost? Will we have grey foggy days until March?! LOL! Seriously though, I can understand how you feel as we saw so many pictures of the terrible fires all across Australia last year. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that it won’t be too bad this season. And I enjoyed seeing your kookaburras. It reminded me of the song we used to sing in rounds at Brownies and Girl Guides when I was young! 😃

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    1. I’ve been surprised over the years by just how many people learned the ‘kookaburra sits in the old gum tree’ song when young. They taught us the song at my school!
      So far this summer we have been lucky, with not too many fires about. I heard there has been a huge amount of scrub clearing done during winter, which hadn’t been attended to for several years. Fingers crossed, our garden will cope with the inevitable extreme heat of the season with some watering, preferably rain, and your garden will survive the extreme cold without too many plants lost to the frosty elements. 🙂

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