Australia · Christmas · clouds · family · Mount Warning · summer · sunset · Tweed Valley

A Bit More Mood at Sunset

If you close one eye and squint, you might just see the outline of Mount Warning. Well, almost. For just a few hours yesterday the mountain was visible. I must be careful not to claim the mountain is back, because clearly it didn’t go anywhere. It just hasn’t been visible much lately, due to the clouds, mist, or heat-haze we have had hovering across the valley. Today, it was hidden again.

Just as the mountain teased us all with a hint of normality, so too did Covid-19. Australia had no new community transmitted cases for a short while, until late last week. Somehow, it has leeched into Sydney, sending the country into a panicked frenzy of border closures again. The Queensland border, which is just up the road from us, had reopened. The community rejoiced. The locals were free to cross between states without being scrutinized as if they were lepers. Families planned on travelling far and wide across Australia to be together again for the first time in months, to celebrate Christmas.

It seems like it was all a cruel joke. In many ways, people are suffering more from the promise of seeing their loved ones only to have that promise ripped away, than they were when they thought they couldn’t be together at all. Tonight on the news, we saw scenes at airports, of people disembarking from ‘planes only to be told they couldn’t stay. Border closures were announced mid-flight. The government would pay for their return flight, or they could go into two weeks quarantine. Theose were the choices – four days before Christmas.

I am one of the lucky people. My children and grandchildren all live nearby, in the same state. We can spend Christmas together. Our friends from Sydney, who were going to join us, have to stay home. Their visit will have to wait. My heart bleeds for those people who are not fortunate in having their family close by, as I do.

Did I just note that it’s just four days to Christmas? I have so much to do in so little time!

In other news, tonight at 9:02pm – just over two hours ago – our summer solstice occurred here on the eastern coast of Australia.

14 thoughts on “A Bit More Mood at Sunset

  1. I’m sure you’re aware that Covid is on a rampage here, but we are very fortunate because my son put himself in a strict quarantine so that he could drive up here and the family could be together for the holidays. He arrived at dinnertime last night, and there were hugs all around. I just read that airports are very busy, which means that sadly there will be even more cases of Covid springing up in a week or so. I think we’re all growing so very weary of it, and long for some kind of normalcy that doesn’t require hibernating. I’m happy that your family can be together, especially with grandchildren.

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    1. Carol, I am so pleased you are able to spend Christmas with your family. I hear the reports of Covid around the world on our news every night and wish there was a magic wand – somewhere – that could heal the sick and prevent further illness. I hope your son is able to stay with you for a while before returning home. I’m sure you will have a wonderful time together. ❤


  2. Heartbreaking news for many, I imagine. We were so happy for Australian’s C-free record, but I guess C-19 is a sneaky devil that won’t go away. Glad you will be able to gather with family. These are trying times… we must ‘take peace.’ ❤

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    1. Does hearing that some countries are fairing well give you hope that this virus can be beaten, Eliza? It is indeed a sneaky devil, but it is good to hear the number of new cases here has fallen over the last two days. Currently, there are 90 confirmed cases of Covid in Australia, which is a drop in the ocean compared to many other countries. We really are very fortunate here in many ways.

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      1. Oh, yes, definitely, Australia gave us all hope, so we keenly felt dashed when we read your news. We’ve been getting over 200K/day, new cases EACH DAY. Hard to wrap my mind around. Needless to say, we seldom venture out into the world these days, just for groceries.

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        1. I’m the same about venturing out, even though we have so few cases here. Home feels so much safer these days. Today (Sunday) we only had seven new cases, so we are not that bad off at all in comparison to the US. That’s the advantage of being an island nation and closing our border. I’m surprised more countries haven’t done the same. Japan and the UK come to mind. I hope my country can restore your hope soon, Eliza.

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  3. So happy to hear you finally caught a glimpse of the mountin! But sorry to hear that COVID has reared its ugly head again. Hopefully the new restrictions will work as well for your country as they did last time. Trying to wrap my head around only 90 cases in your whole country. We had 1,532 new cases just in our state yesterday. In one day. And we’re a very small state. But I am happy you will be able to spend the holidays with your loved ones. Merry Christmas! 🌲

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    1. My state, NSW, has a great success rate when it come to controlling, and stopping, new outbreaks in its tracks, so hopefully the same will happen again. I hope you and Tim had a lovely Christmas Day, Barbara. ❤


  4. Joanne, I am glad you are able to spend the holidays with your family. 😃 And I am grateful I am not travelling to the UK this Christmas as what you describe is happening in your country is happening with the UK too… the borders were all closed suddenly two nights ago stranding thousands of people at airports and ports hoping to spend Christmas with family. I do hope this will blow over rapidly, since it is summer and not flu season where you are. Happy solstice!

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    1. Cathy, wasn’t that situation in the UK awful! They’ve been through so much over there already, so it must have been a dreadful blow to everyone. We heard news reports here saying that Christmas in London was cancelled. I have family in the north of England, and I worry about them all the time, but what can anyone do? This dreadful pandemic will just keep running its course, I suppose, until it hopefully putts out. I hope you are able to enjoy the holiday season while staying close to home. xx

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