from my garden · garden flowers · seasons · subtropical weather

Gazania, in all its glory.

It’s time for Wordless Wednesday; however, my photo today requires a few words.

You may recall my Tiny Treasures post on Monday. I added a few Gazanias to a small vase, along with a few other flowers picked from my garden. The Gazania petals looked rather bedraggled, having just been brought indoors after a shower of summer rain. I wasn’t sure how the flowers would cope indoors.

As you can see, the Gazanias are very happy! Now the petals have dried, they have a new lease on life. ❤

In other news, my desktop computer is having a hissy-fit! My son-in-law will be here tomorrow to pull apart the computer and give it a good clean. Meanwhile, I have spent the morning saving all my photos and files to my external hard drive. But I may disappear briefly. If the clean-out doesn’t rectify the problems, I will need a new computer. Fun. :/

11 thoughts on “Gazania, in all its glory.

    1. It went very well! It’s amazing what a can of WD40, some cotton buds and a vacuum cleaner can do! I think he tinkered with some screw drivers as well, maybe. I didn’t ask questions! Jacob knows his stuff, so I left him to it and came back to a computer that is running like a dream. 🙂


  1. Does that Gazania bloom close in low light? I’d always assumed it did and didn’t try try including it in floral arrangements because of that. I grow it here too. In fact, I’ve got some seeds sitting on my desk, which I’m hoping to sow even though they’re past their sell-by date.

    Best wishes sorting out the computer problem.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The petals closing at night was something I was curious about too, Kris. They do close in low light when in a vase, but the next day, as the room brightened, they reopened! This photo was taken two days after I brought the Gazanias indoors, and they look better than on Monday! So give them a try. They are such happy flowers to have in the garden, and as I’ve discovered, indoors as well. 😊


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