Welcome to My World

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“Take time and make yourself feel good
And you do whatever you want
Cause you can now, In My World …” My World, Tim Kay.

In 2009 Home Life Online was born, a blog inspired by everything I enjoy most about spending time at home. Here I record activities and events around my home and surrounding districts in far northern New South Wales, Australia.

Throughout the years, there has been no limit to the topics I have written about. I enjoy cooking, so occasionally share recipes. Craft projects sometimes dominate my time and I love to share creative works that have turned out just how I imagined they would. As an avid reader, at times I am inspired to add a book review.

When I realised that what I share here is a little piece of my world, I changed the title of my blog to In My World. It’s a more appropriate title for an ever-changing blog which moves with the flow of a progressive world. My life never remains static for long, therefore my website evolves also.

As In My World evolves, particular topics are beginning to dominate. My love of photography has led to an interest in taking photos of nature ~ birds, landscapes, plants and flowers. My garden is a place to meditate, to reflect on the events of the world and life in general while I weed garden beds and plant as many drought-tolerant plants as my garden beds can hold.

My garden is also where I keep company with Australian native birds, mostly kookaburras, magpies, and butcher birds. My garden overlooks the majestic Mount Warning in the beautiful Tweed Valley, a view which makes my heart sing. My soul thrives when outdoors with nature, and I love sharing photos I have taken which speak to my soul.

Life is not only about tangible things either, and a smattering of spirituality creeps into my posts at times.

My greatest joy is my family, four married children, and a growing number of grandchildren – five currently – and I occasionally share special moments in time spent with them.

I recently completed studying through distance education for a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in English. Having spent several years of long hours in front of the computer writing assignments, I am rediscovering the joys of having the freedom to pursue interests I have neglected recently. I work from home, but will rarely discuss anything business related. Topics I will never discuss are religion and politics.

I write about whatever I want, the “feel good” topics I discover daily, In My World. When you visit my world, I hope you feel comfortable, make yourself at home, and join in the conversations.



16 thoughts on “Welcome to My World

  1. Joanne, I have just read your recent piece on The Calm Space entitled Monte Carlo… or Me? and something went “ping”.

    Four years ago we (hubby, Master 4 and Miss 12) made the tree change from the city and moved to a remote small town in Far North Queensland and I have found it difficult to adjust to just about everything except the gorgeous lush surroundings and lovely outlook from our home, which have been my saviour. I have been terribly lonely and depressed (the rainy season doesn’t help any) and should be taking medication to help with the blues. I haven’t been taking them as I’m trying to fall pregnant (without success) and would prefer to be drug free until this happens.

    Anyway – long story short. My children are healthy and bright. My husband is a wonderful man. We live in a beautiful part of the world. We are debt free and I asked myself again today whether this is enough for me and today I answered myself honestly that “YES, this is enough for me, so just get on with it and enjoy what you have instead of dwelling on what you don’t have or think you should have!”.

    It was an important moment and I have already made a list of things that need to be “gotten on with”. I have also made an appointment with a doctor to sort out the blues.

    Thank you for your article. Also, your site is full of great recipes that I’d love to try with my daughter for my family.

    Thanks again.


  2. Diane, thank you so much for sharing your story and thoughts with me. It sounds as though you actually do have so many things to be thankful for and your own realisation of this is your first step towards yours and your families future happiness.

    The Calm Space is a wonderful place to “hang out” with friends. Have you signed up for “A Month Of Me Time” yet? As you read through the articles on the website you will discover that there are other people out there, just like you, who have questioned so many aspects of their lives. Sharing stories with each other brings many new ideas for your own life to light. (Update, 2021: The Calm Space website mentioned here no longer exists.)

    You have made your list, you have the doctors appointment arranged. The only direction you can go now is UP! Good luck with everything. 🙂

    You have no idea how happy it makes me, to know that my article gave you the “ping” you needed to appreciate all of the wonderful aspects of your life!

    Enjoy your cooking with your daughter! It is a fantastic way to spend time together. 🙂

    Keep in touch. Joanne.


  3. Hiya cuz!

    So you are pie people huh? I shall send you Billie’s recipe for cheese and onion pie – it’s the best, and lots of people agree 😀

    Nice website this – keep it going!



  4. Mike, thanks for stopping by!! And thanks for the compliment! 🙂

    Please do send Billie’s cheese and onion pie recipe, it sounds like the type of pie we would all love…I will make it and add a post on my site, with full acknowledgment of Billie’s contribution!


  5. Thanks for the welcome here and also for dropping by my pond a little earlier and reading the ripples. Appreciate your choice to ‘follow’ my ruminations as I look forward to ‘following’ yours. Happy thoughts…


  6. You have a wonderful perspective about writing. Now that I’ve been writing background information about my grandmother’s diary entries for more than two year, I’ve also found that I’ve become more relaxed over time.


    1. Writing helps our thoughts to evolve, don’t you think Sheryl? For me, my writing changes constantly and I have to set my mind in a certain place before writing also, to “feel” the words. Writing is like so many other things we learn in life, only practice teaches us how to do it. 🙂


  7. I really love your ‘About’ page, so warm and heartfelt. I think I’ve found another friend across the miles (and I see Jenna Dee, a mutual friend of ours, has stopped by above with a ‘like’). Small is the world of cyber-space!


    1. Thank you so much for dropping by Eliza! You are right, I do know Jenna, in fact after I left a comment on her blog post today I read through the other comments and thought you had given her great advice, which is why I visited your blog. It’s wonderful having a circle of blogging friends. 🙂


  8. As I read about your blog journey, I’m confident that yours parallels that of many others. … which, to me, is a good thing. Cheers to the goodness of the world making the world smaller and better.


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