challenges · garden flowers · gratitude · in my garden · roses

Happy Valentine’s Day …

The colour of roses conveys a message to the recipient, so today I wish to send my “gratitude and appreciation” to my blogging friends, by sending you all a pink rose for St. Valentine’s Day.

As those who read my post yesterday are aware, I had major issues when commenting on my friends’ posts, but with the help of everyone who replied to my call for help, I am now able to comment again. ❤

I also wanted to share today a meme I saw on Facebook this morning ~~ The Real Luxuries ~~

There is so much to love about every one of these luxuries, minus one for me, that being day naps. I have never been a daytime napper, although I realise that there are some who are appreciative of the luxury of a siesta, cat nap, or nanna nap – call it what you may. Regardless, it is a gentle meme for a loving day, which I wanted to share with you all.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day in which you can indulge in a few luxuries of your own choosing. ❤

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

22 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day …

    1. Simple pleasures are always the best. As I write, Brontë is asleep on the floor beside me and I am enjoying her rhythmic snuffling, knowing she sleeps contentedly. 🐾 I love that. It’s the small, seemingly insignificant moments that mean the most. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  1. So glad you got it all worked out!
    No day naps for me either. Even when I was little, and my mom would make my sister and me take afternoon naps. My sister wanted to sleep and I kept her awake by constantly asking her “Elllyyyyyy…. Can you ask mom if we can get up?” 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🤣 There’s way too much to do in the daylight hours, right? No matter what age you are. I’m like you, I wasn’t interested in naps as a child either! But I do appreciate an uninterrupted nights sleep. 😴

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  2. Thank you for the lovely rose Joanne! 🩷 I hope you had a nice Valentine’s Day. I love all those ‘luxuries’ and it is so true… these are the things that matter. 😃 Before even reading further I also eliminated the day-napping. 😉 So glad you have got the wordpress thing sorted out. Let’s hope nothing else changes in the near future!

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    1. Reading through the comments, I see that we are not alone in our aversion to daytime naps! Why sleep in the daytime hours when there is so much to do, in fact, I never have enough hours in the day anyway. 😉

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  3. That’s a lovely way to recognize Valentine’s Day, Jo! The list of luxuries is a good one, although I’d probably substitute the day nap for a pet in my lap 😉 I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and I’m glad to hear your blog issues were resolved.

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    1. I commented to Barbara earlier – above – that I enjoyed the sound of my Brontë, snuffling and snorting beside me as she slept. I’m sure she’d sit on my lap if I let her, but she’s a Labrador Retriever – not a lap dog at all! But I’m with you, Kris, and enjoy the closeness of my pets. ❤


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