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Cee’s Share Your World ~ Week 18.

My indoors girl, fourteen year old Phoebe.
My indoors girl, fourteen year old Phoebe.

When my blogging friend Carol answers the questions to “Cee’s Share Your World” each week, I really enjoy reading what she has to say. Sometimes her responses are definite, usually they sound as though she is thinking out loud as she comes up with her answers, and they are absolutely always fun to read! After Carol has shared just a little bit more about her world, at her blog “Wanderings of an Elusive Mind”, I realise that through her simple replies to Cee’s random questions, I have got to know Carol just that little bit better.

For quite a while now I have been “bumping into” Cee around the blogging world and have often thought I would like to join in with Share Your World. This morning, after seeing the questions and reading Carol’s answers, I have decided that today is the day, no more procrastinating. I’m not sure when the “week” begins and ends for Cee, so I’m assuming that Week 18 began on the day that Cee added her post with the questions, which was Monday, April 29th, allowing me a couple of days still to join in. If I have the rules wrong, I do hope that Cee will set me straight.

So here goes ~

What is your favorite animal?

Oh, that is an easy question. Even though I love many different animals, my ultimate favourite is most definitely cats. During my entire life, I think I have only been without a cat (or cats) in my world for a total of three years. To me, a house is not a home without at least one cat to share it with. My children have often joked that as I grow older, I will probably become the crazy cat woman, with cats all over the house. You may be right, kids! πŸ˜‰

Miss Tibbs enjoying the sun this morning.
Miss Tibbs enjoying the sun this morning.

What is your favorite comfort snack food?

Chocolate! No question about it. And if the chocolate is dark (my latest delicious discovery), coffee or mint flavoured (or both!) all the better. πŸ™‚

What subject would you like to study in depth, if given the time to do so?

Linguistics and English literature. I love reading, books, crosswords, the context and meanings of words, the written word. I even love pens, pencils and paper, being the instruments with which to write those words. And when computers and the internet became readily available, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven! Words and writing fascinate me, I love written communication of any kind and I enjoy the play of the meanings and context that words can be used in. Gee, I could write a blog post for that answer!

Just one of the many bookcases in my home.
Just one of the many bookcases in my home.

What object do you always have with you when traveling and why?

It took me a minute to think about that. My initial response was a camera, although thinking back, I haven’t always owned a camera. So, when I cast my mind back and thought about what it is that I always place in my packing pile first, when preparing to travel, it’s a book, or books. I have never in my entire life travelled without a book. Why? I can’t travel with my cat! Cats and books are my two absolute essentials in life.

Well that was fun, thanks Cee! Now I’m wondering why it has taken me so long to Share my World. πŸ™‚

18 thoughts on “Cee’s Share Your World ~ Week 18.

  1. Thank you for the mention! Do you have a laptop or tablet? Download the Kindle and Nook apps, check out for free or very cheap books, at least over here. Lots of books without the weight and think of the trees you’re saving! I also have an app for a reader for library books.


    1. I don’t have a Kindle Carol! I must say though that it is something that I should look into. I have a laptop but mostly use my desktop computer. The books I have, I’ve collected over many years and also have some very old ones of my grandfathers. My most recent purchases of books have been second-hand and rather old books, which I’m really enjoying. The pre-loved versions do have so much more character. I’ll look up the website you mentioned, (Bookbub). Thank you for the tips. πŸ™‚


  2. I was thinking of Literature as well! But after a lot more thinking, I decided it was the Bible I wanted to know more of. Loved your answers and the photo of Miss Tibbs!


    1. Thank you Mary. The Bible could be quite confusing I think, as many of the original writings (which you said you were interested in) are written in languages not used any more. I think that would do my head in! It would be good for you to look into doing though, as you have the interest. (Fixed your typo too) πŸ™‚


  3. I understand about not travelling with your cat. They love curling up in the suitcase you are packing but when you start to zip that sucker shut: they object. πŸ˜‰


  4. I love your bookcase, Joanne – jealous! I lost so many books in Katrina and don’t have the verve for collecting anymore, but I sure do enjoy viewing others’ collections, ❀


    1. I’m sorry you lost your books Stacy, that must have been heart breaking. My sister had a minor flood in the downstairs area of her home many years ago, losing her childdhood books, some of which had travelled from England to Australia on the boat with my family when they emigrated. You are welcome to share my books any time. xxx


  5. You got the directions correct. The one exception…you can never be late. You can even still answer the questions I posted on the very first Share Your World. I loved your answers and I’m not surprised you would take a book with you!!! Thanks so very much for joining in on the fun!


  6. Joanne, I haven’t participated in Cee’s fun but have enjoyed knowing Carol a bit better through some of her answers to questions. Now I know a little bit more about you. May you never be without cats or books…


  7. I’ve read Carol’s responses to Cee’s questions too – you’re right, they can be a fun way to find out a little more. Thanks for sharing!


    1. I love reading about our blogging friends, don’t you? Some answers to Cee’s questions can be surprising, others predicatable, but always the best of fun. πŸ™‚


  8. I’ve been wanting to participate in Cee’s Share Your World, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. I enjoyed reading your answers, and now I’ve gotten to know you just a little bit more. We have the cats and books in common. πŸ™‚


    1. When you are settled in your new home Robin, you will have even more world to share.
      Books and cats go hand in hand, for me at least. πŸ™‚


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