4 thoughts on “Silent Sunday ~ Allamanda

  1. Your post just sent me down a rabbit hole, Jo. Your plant looks a lot like one I’ve purchased here as Dipladenia, which I’d been led to believe is akin to Mandevilla but tougher. The sources I consulted this evening suggests that Dipladenia is now classified as Mandevilla splendens. Another source says some Dipladenia were formerly classified as Allamanda. Whatever your plant is, it’s very pretty. I do wish botanists would put their heads together and settle on their botanical names – the changes are making me crazy.
    Kris https://krispgarden.blogspot.com/

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    1. It is confusing when names are changed! I’ve had this plant for several years. I bought it as an Allamanda, which I have read is a hardier version of a Mandevilla. I have two Mandevillas, and the one in a semi-shaded position is far bigger and healthier than the one in full sun. Apparently, Mandevilla prefers morning sun, or a semi-shaded area. Allamanda, on the other hand, thrives in full sun. At least that is the information I have for my area, but who knows if it is right? I also know that many plants will eventually adapt to the position they are in, even if it is not “textbook” perfect. That’s why, when gardening, so many of the choices we make are trial and error. It is also, I suspect, the reason why our gardens will never be what we regard as “finished”. I’ll be interested to hear how your Dipladenia progresses. 🙂


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