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Help! Where are my comments going???

Since installing my new computer last week, some things have changed – and not for the better –

  • I no longer receive notifications when blogging friends, who I follow, add a new post.
  • When a new comment is left on my blog, I no longer receive notifications.
  • Since yesterday, I can write a comment, submit a comment, but it doesn’t appear on the page.
  • The only thing WordPress is allowing me to do is to leave a “like” on my friend’s pages.

To make this post less techie, even though I am asking for help, I am adding some photos along the way. The last photo in my In A Vase On Monday post yesterday showed a “through the window” shot of what’s going on in my front garden, just outside the front door. I took a few photos of the area last month, taken outside, so I will add them for interest sake. 🙂

So back to my dilemma – up to this morning, I wasn’t sure whether my issue is email or WordPress related. Today, however, I went directly to WordPress reader, tried leaving a comment, and yet again, it hasn’t published! My “likes” however, seem to be still working.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be happening?

Going back to my garden, the first photo shows the Tibouchina tree. The second photo shows the bird bath, which is often used, and an assortment of mostly potted plants, waiting for the heat to diminish so they can be planted in the ground. Some plants live here permanently, such as a Hydrangea, Dianthus, Gardenia, Daisies, and two potted Spathiphyllum, or Peace Lilies. The Spathiphyllum are happy enough indoors, but I find they flower nearly all year ’round when they live outdoors in the dappled shade under the Tibouchina tree.

The Spanish Moss – Grandfather’s Whiskers – also prefers a shady area. My mother gave me some Grandfather’s Whiskers over thirty years ago when we moved back north after living in Sydney for fifteen years, (she’s been gone now for thirty years,) and this piece is one I separated from the original “bunch” just last year. Already, it looks happy and healthy, strung over a branch of the Tibouchina.

This last photo shows my front veranda, which also shows how close the Tibouchina tree is to the house. Since taking this photo, we have trimmed the top off the tree, which we have to do regularly, to keep leaves out of the gutters – it drops leaves often, but new foliage grows back again just as fast! If you look towards the end of the veranda you will notice my bits and bobs of gardening tools, pots, etc. which I always have on standby. 🙂

So going back to my WordPress issue, does anyone have any suggestions? I am having no problem when leaving comments on Blogspot, so it has to be WordPress acting up for me. I am considering re-following blogs, to see if that helps. However, I noticed that I was able to leave a comment on one blog – Eliza’s – where the comment box looked as it usually does, just a plain box for a comment to be added. On all the other pages, where comments will not publish, the comment box has a bar along the top, as if to edit the comment as I write. It looks the same as when adding a new post on my own site. That isn’t normal – but how do I change it? I have searched Google for answers, without success.

Now I am hoping my people have more WordPress knowledge than I do! Help!