Australia · Mount Warning · spring · subtropical weather · Tweed Valley

Unexpected Mist

A beautiful sight welcomed me this morning when I looked out into the valley. After a relatively warm night I had not expected to see mist, but there it was, dancing ghost-like across the valley and looking spectacular.

We’ve had a fair bit of rain over the last few days, so my theory is that when the warmer air hit the cold earth, condensation rose in the form of mist. Does that sound logical? It’s the same when you get into a cold car with your warm body and breath, and the windows fog up and you have to put on the demister, I imagine.

Whatever caused the mist, I hope it happens again before summer arrives. πŸ™‚

11 thoughts on “Unexpected Mist

  1. It must be a lot cooler down in the valley under that mist. We used to attend a regional school that was down in a valley while we lived in one of the hill towns. When we got on the bus it was a bright, sunny day and we’d head down the mountain and was surprised to see it dark, cold and misty at school.

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    1. The town in the valley beneath the mountain is Murwillumbah, and I lived there for three years when I was a teenager. It was cold in the winter, but very hot there in summer. So that’s a similar weather pattern to your experience when going to school, Eliza. Can you remember if your school was warmer than your home in the mountain during summer? I’m guessing it was.


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