Australia · daughter · from my garden · garden flowers · Ixora · native Australian plants · rain · seasons · subtropical weather

In A Vase On Monday ~ Bird of Paradise

This week for my contribution to Cathy’s In a Vase on Monday meme at Rambling in the Garden, I have limited my arrangement to three flowers, based on the potted Bird of Paradise that has decided to flower! It only flowers during summer, but not every year. I am sure the plant would flourish if planted in the ground, but I have heard that once in the ground, Bird of Paradise grow huge and are difficult to remove. So in the pot it will stay.

In previous weeks I have said that I don’t like mixing purple and orange flowers, yet somehow I manage to do so often. If the colours are light shades, it doesn’t “clash” as much. Yet having said that, I have seen arrangements of orange and purple flowers looking beautiful together. This week, however, I decided to stick with just orange flowers with green foliage.

Strangely enough, if you look closely at the Bird of Paradise, the have a thin strip of purplish colour with the orange. Regardless, orange is such a bold colour, so today, orange can be the star attraction.

It is fortuitous that during the same week my Bird of Paradise flowered, my Ixora ‘Prince of Orange’ is also in full bloom. I found plenty of long stemmed Ixora to cut for the vase today.

I have discovered that orange flowers en masse do not photograph as well as the more subtle colours I usually choose for my Monday vase! Or it could be the dull light in the house that is the issue. Today is the first day in around a week that it isn’t raining, but there are so many clouds that the sun is struggling to peek through.

Ahhhhhh, that’s more like it – a delicate spray of light coloured Lilly Pilly flowers. ๐Ÿ™‚

This week I have been out and about more than usual. My area is overtaken by tourists for the summer holidays. I live just south of Queensland’s Gold Coast and just north of Byron Bay, which has become world renowned in recent years. Byron to me will always be a sleepy little beach village, yet since several of the “rich and famous” moved in, suddenly, everyone wants to go there! So during the six week summer school break, I tend to stay close to home.

One day during the week, I went shopping with my daughter. The shops have begun their Easter displays, and although I had no intention of buying anything, this vase jumped out at me and said “take me home!”. And when my daughter said she had found a dish that looked very “Mum-ish” – her word – I had to agree. And considering my choice of orange flowers for today’s vase, the colours blend beautifully with the bunny designs.

I know for certain that I will not limit the use of this vase to Easter alone. ๐Ÿ™‚

In this last photo, once again the orange of the flowers doesn’t look as clear as it could – I think I will blame the dull day – but I wanted to add this photo for the background. I often mention the purple flowering Tibouchina tree just outside my front door: in this photo, the tree can be seen through the window. Hanging from a branch is Tillandsia usneoides – Spanish Moss, or as we call it, Grandfather’s Whiskers. To the right is a mozzie zapper, although those blood-thirsty pests haven’t been as active this past week, thank goodness. And just beyond the tree is the garden which featured in my Hill Project post recently.

Thank you for your dedicated weekly hosting of In a Vase on Monday, Cathy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Australia · clouds · family · grandchildren · in my garden · kitchen renovation · Mount Warning · subtropical weather · summer · Tweed Valley

More from Saturday …

… but first, here is the valley today – more rain, more clouds, another photo of a partially hidden mountain.

One huge bonus is the cooler weather we are enjoying lately. ๐Ÿ™‚

On Saturday, my son and daughter-in-law invited a few friends around for a bar-be-que. Their back yard is quite small, so we are happy to share ours with our family and their friends.

All my grandchildren were here too, and I took a couple of photos of Braxton and Aurora that I rather like.

Aurora’s balloon escaped and ended up in the pool, so Poppy took her into the pool area to help her rescue it.

Aurora met puppy Summer for the first time too, and they discovered they were just the right size for one another. โค Aurora wasn’t about to let go of that balloon either.

Braxton didn’t realise how patient I could be when I planned on taking his photo. Hiding behind his hand wouldn’t deter me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Gotcha! ๐Ÿ˜›

Today I had the final detailed measure of my new kitchen, which will begin installation in the second week of February. Exciting times! ๐Ÿ™‚

Australia · Changes

Typically January

New Uniforms

Well, who would have thought? It was exactly twenty years ago his month that I made my first January school dash!

Although back then, it was all about my five year old baby boy, my first child to start school.

He arrived at school on his first day, all bright eyed and ambitious, looking forward to this brand new adventure he was just beginning.

I was a cot case!!

As the year went by, momentum kicked in, I gained control over my apprehension and fears and I grew up somewhat.

Really, I had no choice. Who was I to worry myself stupid, when my children were going off to school filled with anticipation? I had to face the facts…

My babies loved having new adventures, thrived on learning new things, couldnโ€™t wait to make new friends and appreciated their newly forming independence.

Was it really only seven years ago this month that the baby of my four children started school? In 2004 I had all four of my children attending school; the eldest in his final year, the youngest starting his first.

So, my baby arrived home yesterday from his surfing carnival, suntanned and tired, realising he is heading into the final days of his summer school holidays.

Heโ€™s starting a new school this year filled, yet again, with eager anticipation.

Enrolment into school ran smoothly. Heโ€™s beginning an Academic Excellence program this year, hence the change of schools.

With the enrolment completed by 11.30am and uniforms tried on and purchased by 12.30am, we were off to the shops for the final leg of our annual January dash.

Shoes and socks were purchased without incident at a local sports store. Heโ€™s a very happy chappie, knowing he will be wearing sports shoes every day, from this day forward, (well, Monday, actually!) as the school uniform requirement!

Lastly, we headed off to a nearby chain store to join another dozen or so mums, also accompanied by their overly suntanned children, in the rummage for stationary items.

By 1.15pm we were famished. Whatโ€™s a January school dash without junk food? We found sausage rolls (I had a spinach roll!) and chocolate thick shakes to tide us over for the trip home. Itโ€™s been another hot, typically January day, yet another day when drinks are as necessary as breathing!

For the grand finale of this most typically January day, the weather has provided us with a thunderstorm, usual in these parts of the country after the heat of the day.

As the thunder fades away into the distance, our pretty bright green garden frogs will begin their croaking chorus to entertain me, as I patiently hand sew name labels onto my boyโ€™s new school uniforms.

How typically January! ๐Ÿ™‚

January Rain