Australia · autumn · clouds · Mount Warning · sunrise · Tweed Valley

The Pinnacle

All I could think of when I saw Mount Warning this morning is that the cloud formation around the top accentuated the pinnacle of the mountain.

This photo was taken at quarter-to-seven this morning. The days are getting shorter and the constant rain has darkened every day this week. It’s very unusual to have the lights on in the house most of the day, even during winter – and we’re not there yet!

10 thoughts on “The Pinnacle

    1. Guess what, Barbara, we have around twelve hours each as well. I just checked – today sunrise was at 5:50am and sunset (what sun??) at 5:57pm. So our days are shortening as we merge into winter. ๐Ÿ™‚

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        1. Wow, I didn’t know that! I read a bit today about why the Australian seasons begin on the first of the month, but there didn’t seem to be any conclusive theory. It seems to me that it should be our autumn equinox around now though, because we have twelve hours of each of night and day too.

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            1. It’s all too scientific for my brain, Barbara. I do like the words ‘solstice’ and ‘equinox’ though, and I wish we used those terms more in Australia.


  1. On this side of the world, as Barbara said, we are enjoying longer days and where I am, much milder temperatures. We are having days that are very spring-like, and I’m loving it. Perhaps today we’ll even plant some of our peas in our vegetable beds. This is happiness!

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    1. Yes, very much like a revolving door – good simile, Eliza. ๐Ÿ™‚
      My kitchen is wonderful! I’m having a spot of trouble when taking photos lately though. It is so dark in the house that photos are turning out dark, unless I use the flash. The flash always manages to create a bright spot somewhere on the photo though! One day – who knows when! – we will have a fine, bright day again and I will be able to take a few photos to share. ๐Ÿ™‚

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