Australia · clouds · Mount Warning · palm trees · spring · subtropical weather · Tweed Valley

Changing Weather

Even the setting sun couldn’t break through the clouds today.

The day started as another early-onset hot weather day, the valley covered in heat haze and no sign of Mount Warning. By mid-afternoon, a southerly wind blew the heat away, and for the first time in days the temperature was positively brisk! But still no sign of the mountain.

It looked like rain in the valley, heading north towards us, yet the rain never arrived. Thankfully though, the morning temperate of the low thirties plummeted to an afternoon temperature in the low twenties – bliss!

11 thoughts on “Changing Weather

    1. Oh! Guess what, Frank? I took both photos in colour! I see exactly what you are saying though, it looks like they are black and white, especially the second photo! It goes to show how dismal the day was!

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  1. It seems strange to hear you say a southerly wind blew the heat away. Up here, a southerly wind brings warmer air masses. 🙂 Love how majestic those palm trees look in the second picture, the clouds adding drama to the mood.

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    1. To hear someone describe southerlies as “warm” feels to me like there is something amiss, Barbara! That’s probably how you feel about me describing southerly wind as cool. It’s so strange! 🙂

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